Educating Pediatricians and General Practitioners to Better Screen and Treat ASD
We are excited to welcome back V. Mark Durand to discuss the important topic of educating our medical professionals outside of the specialized field of autism. Dr. Durand's book Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Guide for General Practititioners is aimed at helping clinicians screen for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), treat higher functioning individuals with ASD, and assist family members. V. Mark Durand is known worldwide as an authority in the area of autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Durand is currently a member of the Professional Advisory Board for the Autism Society of America and is on the board of directors of the International Association of Positive Behavioral Support. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions and serves on a number of editorial boards. His books include Severe Behavior Problems: A Functional Communication Training Approach, Sleep Better! A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs, and most recently, When Children Don't Sleep Well: Interventions for Pediatric Sleep Disorders. Dr. Durand developed a unique treatment for severe behavior problems that is currently mandated by states across the country and is used worldwide. He also developed an assessment tool that is used internationally and has been translated into more than 15 languages. He has been consulted by the departments of education in numerous states and by the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education. His current research program includes the study of prevention models and treatments for such serious problems as self-injurious behavior. All Autism Talk ( is sponsored by Autism Spectrum Therapies ( and Trellis Services ( and Learn It Systems (